Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Kevin Wong.
"Recording the past in the present for the future"
You can view my site at Corona Yard.
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AIM screenname: R367Train1236
My group forum on NYC area rail transit
I cover mostly railroads and transit in the New York/New Jersey area.
For more info on rail and transit in the NY tri-state region, visit the following sites:
Straphangers Campaign
New York Transit Museum
Station Reporter
Northeast Corridor Transit
LIRR History
Hoboken Terminal
Forgotten NY
Here are the railroads that operate in the region and are featured and documented on this site:
New York City Transit (Subway)
Metro-North Railroad
Long Island Rail Road
NJ Transit
Norfolk Southern
New York Atlantic Railway
Morristown & Erie Railway
I also have interests/hobbies in science, history, arts and government.
Copyright notice: Except for the content in the "Railroad Model and GIFs" pages, all material licensed for limited fair use only. You may use my images and materials for fair use and with permission. Examples such include personal projects, education and promotional or non-profit brochures. Please quote the source and/or author. Use for commerical, for-profit or sale is prohibited. For non-commercial permission, please contact.
The material on the "Railroad Model and GIFs" pages are licensed for free private use provided that the source and/or author is referenced. Commercial use prohibited.
All material on this site, including images, text, roster notes and items ©1999-2013 Kevin Wong.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!